Our School

At GIFT, our students are our number one priority. We provide learning opportunities in academics, careers, and life skills that lead students to productive citizenship. We are also proud to sponsor CTE (career and technical education) organizations that help our students develop leadership, advance their chosen careers, and continue their education after GIFT.

Opportunities for Learning

Students who enroll in our CTE programs may attend either our central campus in Thatcher at Eastern Arizona College or via participating satellite locations (all local high schools) throughout Greenlee and Graham counties. For a map of locations and programs, visit the Arizona Career and Technical Education page. We currently offer learning and certification opportunities in the following programs and many more.

We Believe…

  • We believe that all students should have access to a high quality education that meets their individual goals and needs.
  • We believe that education is a partnership and that parental/guardian support is vital for student success.
  • We believe that all students can achieve and should be held to high expectations of academic performance and personal integrity.
  • We believe that the development of community partnerships enhances our ability to deliver quality educational programs.

Student Expectations

Developing excellence in any area of life requires diligence and hard work. School is no different. We expect students at Gila-Tech to consistently demonstrate:

  • Dependability
    • Be in school on time, every day.
  • Strong work ethic
    • Be honest, loyal, and, hard working at all times.
  • People skills
    • Be friendly, caring, and helpful with visitors, teachers, and fellow students.
  • Teamwork
    • Develop the skills needed to work with others to solve problems and get the job done. Learn to be a leader and a follower.
  • Excellent communication skills
    • Read, write, speak, and listen well both in and out of the classroom.
  • Maturity
    • Be an adult. Commit to doing your best work. Own your words and actions. Take responsibility for your appearance.